Why Did Jesus Die?
Sometimes we just need to get back to the basics. To remember where we were before, and to see how far God has brought us. To remember that moment when we realized that the love of God has always been with us: that he loved us enough to send Jesus to die in our place. That memory should break our hearts, and at the same time, our hearts should be overwhelmed with gratitude and joy!
But we forget, don’t we? Over time, we just do church as if we have always done it. We begin to speak in Christian clichés and talk about Biblical principles as though we have always lived them. We learn so much that we become teachers, who no longer feel the need to know more and go deeper.
It’s time to remember why Jesus died. Forget all the niceties and the need for others to see how spiritual and smart we are. Jesus died because we were lost and in sin and in need of saving. Jesus died because we still sin, and still need a Savior. Jesus died so he could rule and reign in our hearts and we could be kingdom dwellers who feast at the table of our Lord. Jesus died for our resurrected life! He did it. We simply receive the benefits of this great love.